Lexis Rex

Kata Bahasa Inggris Hari Ini


bawah tanah
bawah tanah


Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Indonesia
     1. bawah tanah
Bahasa Inggris > Bahasa Inggris
     1. n. A floor of a building below ground level.
     2. n. (geology) A mass of igneous or metamorphic rock forming the foundation over which a platform of sedimentary rocks is laid.
     3. n. (sports) Last place in a sports conference standings.
Bahasa Indonesia > Bahasa Inggris
bawah tanah
     1. basement



Contoh Kalimat-kalimat

Didn't you go into the basement?
But, I'm telling you exactly what happened that Friday in your recreation room basement.
He planned on using the lumber to build a house over the basement.
I scampered past the girls and tried to get to the quiet basement.
He's no longer standing in the puddle, but the shot ricochets in the concrete basement, eventually striking the liquid.

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